MB Electronics in the 1979 develops and markets the futuristic version of the classic board game Battaglia Navale, with the use of Texas Instruments chips (TMS1000=MP3208 and SN76477), the miracle of electronics once again keeps its promises, colored buttons, electronic sounds and lights, are the strength of Sink the Fleet - this is the title of the game chosen by MB -. On the packaging the term computer is mentioned several times, powerful microcomputer, which was a jaw-dropping thing for the children of that time.
The With the game off, set the LOAD / GO selector to LOAD and then turn the machine on with the ON / OFF selector. For each of the two players, position the yellow and blue cursors respectively on CM (Clear Memory) and on CLE (CLear Entry) and press them; by doing so you erase the memory. Now you can start programming the positions of the fleets, entering all the positions occupied by all the ships; for example if you have the aircraft carrier positioned horizontally from A1 to A5, you must enter the five positions A1, A2, A3, A4, A5: position the blue cursor on the letter A and press it, then position the yellow cursor on number 1 and press it , finally press the red FIRE button; then move the yellow cursor to number 2 and press FIRE, then to number 3 and press FIRE, number 4 + FIRE, number 5 + FIRE; so you have memorized the position of the aircraft carrier.